Articles for teachers and other education professionals
Kucirkova, N. (2017) How can digital personal(ized) books enrich the language arts curriculum?, The Reading Teacher, DOI: 10.1002/trtr.1624
Kucirkova, N. (2017) Children’s Reading on Screen, Children’s Centre Leader, June Issue, Available online from: http://www.ccleaderreader.com
Walker, H., Kucirkova, N., & Gould, R. (2016) UKLA Digital Book Award: teachers’ perceptions of the winning apps in 2015, English 4-11, 57, 19-21.
Kucirkova, N. (2016) Early Years in School: Literacy - Flexible friends? Nursery World, January Issue
Kucirkova, N. (2015), Story-Making with iPad Apps: Baking Stories in the 21st Century, Exchange, March/April Issue, 43-46.
Kucirkova, N. (2014) How can iPad apps enrich psychology Phd?, Psychology Teaching Review, Publication of the British Psychological Society’s Division for Teachers and Researchers in Psychology, Vol20 (2), 121-125.
Kucirkova, N. (2014) iPads in early years and foundation classrooms, Teach Nursery, Vol5 (1), Jan Issue.
Kucirkova, N., Willans, D. & Cremin, T. (2014) Spot the dog! Spot the difference, English 4-11, Summer edition, 11-14.
Kucirkova, N. (2014) Digitalised childhood: more questions than answers, Materske centra (Slovak magazine distributed to all early years settings across Slovakia),10 (2), 19-21.
Kucirkova, N., Messer, D., & Sheehy, K. (2013) New technologies, new stories: children as authors of iPad storybooks, Our School Journal, December Issue.
Kucirkova, N (2013) Role of iPads in Early Years, Early Years Educator, January Issue.
Harrison, C. and Kucirkova, N. (2011) RealeBooks: let your students design and publish their own books! Deutsch Differenziert, October, Vol4, pp. 39-44.